Why the Healthcare
City Sweden concept 

All over the world, growing populations with increased demand for a healthy life have put stress on health care institutions. This has been met by a rapid development of improved methods for diagnosis and treatment. 

In the surgical field, new methods for anesthesia in combination with invention of new surgical methods has radically improved the outcome after surgery and shortened time spent in a hospital. Patients with minor problems that can be treated by surgery form the largest fraction of surgery cases. All improvements in the surgical field have thus resulted in a rapidly increasing number of patients who are treated on a day care basis. The presence of surgical skill within a day surgery clinic also gives direct access to treatment of minor trauma if needed.

The Central Hospital will focus on frequent health problems and lighter accidents in the population. The primary therapeutic focus is day surgery, which today represents 60-80% of all surgical operations. 

The Central Hospital can be located in both urban and less densely populated areas and, in addition to primary service, act as a referral center for larger category II/ III hospitals. Initial diagnostic work-up in the Central Hospital can thus be continued in larger hospitals with extended diagnostic efforts and treatment for patients in need.

Two to four Health Posts can also form satellites with functional connection to the larger centrally located category II/III base hospital. The satellite clinics can then be served by professional teams from the base hospital. The teams rotate between the satellites and can offer high standard medical service to populations within a wide district. This reduces transport costs for a dominant part of those in need of surgical service.

The base model of the Central Hospital includes Day Surgery, Out-patient offices, Family Medicine (GP-practice), Postoperative recovery area, Ward area, Emergency ‘light’ with radiology and a wet laboratory. 

The buildings in the base model can be extended in size and include a Dental clinic, larger Radiological service and Obstetric service.  

In adjacent buildings, additional space can be added for Diabetic treatment, a larger Ward area, Rehabilitation and personnel housing. 

The main idea of the Central hospital is to build a self-contained multi-service unit, with its own admission suite, operation theatres and a recovery area. It can also admit surgical emergency cases and serve the population with out-patient specialist service, radiology, wet laboratory and a pharmacy. Additional health posts makes the Concept complete.

Mobile health units

In largely populated and vast countries, a mobile healthcare unit has an advantage in making health
service available in less populated rural areas. The mobile unit can be used both for health check-up and treatment of minor health problems as well as being equipped with X-ray and ultrasound instruments and
extended laboratory service. The unit may also be equipped with telemedicine to give test results within days after investigation.

The mobile unit will be stationary at a suitable place for a time as determined by population number, but generally not shorter than a week at one place.

Type of health service:
• Health checks and advice including ordinary
laboratory tests, vaccination, trauma follow up,
pregnancy test and referral advice.
• Paediatric health control.
• Chest X-ray and mammography, ultrasound
health control with focus on gynaecological and vascular organ systems.
• Pharmacy dispensing.

The mobile units are served by one truck which rotate the units to designated areas and replaces them in accordance with a given schedule. The mobile unit is complementary to the stationary health organisation in a region, i.e. the Health Posts and the hospitals, and is an integrated part of a modern health system which more effectively serves a population with basal diagnosis, treatment and follow up. 

When your hospital is up and running, you are not left alone. We have established a professional, fast-responding advisory board with experts who will guide you, answer your questions and help you meet challenges that might occur

PreFast International can offer a favourable financing for its customers. PreFast International concept own slogan “Healthcare City Sweden” goes for both us and for those who want to build their local hospital

PreFast International AB 
Industrivägen 13, 294 39 Sölvesborg. Sweden